Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Create Canvas

Wasn't able to capture the colors but you get the idea
Yes! My Inspiration Showcase Class project is complete! I finished it yesterday and am very pleased with the results. I really enjoyed working on the canvas, so many different techniques in one 12x12 package. I will admit some of the techniques I was familiar with but had never tried. The videos were filled with techniques and fun to watch. Jennifer is an excellent teacher and I also was introduced to additional instructors who are also very talented and I have added to my list of artist to follow on Google Reader.
Of course if you follow my blog you know I am a BIG Tim Holtz fan and have been following him every since I found his blog. He was my original inspiration to start blogging. While I have been a little sporadic, I intend on being much more active in the future. Speaking of Tim, he is on a cruise right now and of course he is teaching classes while on the cruise. When he gets back, he'll post a video. I can't wait to watch it but I guess I'll have to.
Now that my canvas is complete I can use it as a source of inspiration. I will always have access to the class videos and can read the pdf files when I need to remember the specifics. There is much more to the class than the canvas. There were a lot of cards along with instructions so I have even more inspiration at my finger tips now. If you didn't get a chance to sign up for the live class don't worry. You can still sign up for the class at Inspiration Showcase. You just won't be able to post to the boards. You can also see Jennifer's canvas. Her photography is excellent and the colors really shine!


Anonymous said...

Ruby this is awesome, I love it. Thought you said you never post, lol. You have lots to look at, can't wait to look through it all.

Tracey said...

WOW!! Awesome canvas Ruby!!! I so need to do mine....but I need to find the 12X12 canvas first :)

Firenze said...

Oh Ruby it's wonderful! TFS!
Helen -- Firenze Cards

Wendy Aspinall said...

Hi Ruby it was very nice to meet you today... emailme your email and I will send you those links to jazz up your blog... and walk you throught it if you have trouble loading them...wendy

I'm going to have look around at your blog now...

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